On Monday September 19, 2022 Wakulla County Commissioners are expected to effectively close the Wakulla County airport by terminating the Airport license.
This will result in the loss of Wakulla’s only public use airport. Once it’s closed it’s lost forever, a loss to Florida and all pilots who enjoy flying to this Florida airfield near Panacea, FL with nearby Gulf fishing, boating, hiking, biking, bird watching, and a live “Gator cam” that reveals fascinating underwater life.
What we need you to do:
Express your support: Attend the upcoming Commissioner meeting, and email each Commissioner.
Here are talking points to use in your message, stated in your own words:
- Wakulla Airport has been open since 1966;
- The turf 2,590-feet airfield is only suitable for light aircraft. Heavy aircraft will not abuse this airfield;
- Local airports are a significant economic driver in tourist and recreational areas –Recreational small aircraft aviation is a growing segment of General Aviation;
- Recently the Commission invested over $2,500 for brush removal and the installation of a fire hydrant;
- The Recreational Aviation Foundation (RAF) engages positively and cooperatively with authorities, communities, pilots and non-pilots, and other stakeholders in helping airfields thrive;
- The RAF grants funds for local volunteers to make approved improvements;
- Commission is encouraged to renew license and transfer liability and management of facility to Tarpine HOA, an established Domestic Profit Corporation, in good standing with the State of Florida;
- Tarpine HOA has the leadership to assume responsibility.
Commission meeting:
5 pm, Monday, September 19, 2022
202 Ochlockonee St
Crawfordville, FL 32327
Flying in to 2J0? Ground transportation to and from the meeting will be provided upon request.
EVERYONE is urged to take a moment to send an email of support to each Wakulla Commissioner:
Quincee Messersmith:
Mike Kemp:
Chuck Hess:
Randy Merritt:
Ralph Thomas:
David Edwards, Administrator:
Flown in many times. Is the restaurant still open??
It’s now some of the very best Mexican food you’ve ever had! Antonia and Mario own the business, you won’t be disappointed
New restaurant there now. Las Palmas, has very good food. The owners are wonderful!
I am a pilot and I have used that airport many times. Please don’t.
(Sent to each commissioner & the administrator)I am writing to you on behalf of the 100 plus members of The Southernmost EAA Chapter 1241, Marathon, Florida Keys to offer our encouragement for the commissioners to renew the Wakulla Airfield license and turn liability as well as maintenance of the facility over to Tarpine HOA as recommended by The Recreational Aviation Foundation (RAF).
The RAF has an outstanding record of responsibly and successfully working collaboratively with government agencies, from the US Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to county and city governments to bring together pilots, non-pilots, business communities, airfield neighbors and other stakeholders to help local airfields thrive. I respect RAF’s track record and have seen their multiple layers of assistance benefit all partners involved in many airfields.
As a personal aside, Wakulla Airport has been a favorite of mine ever since my wife and I started touring coastal Florida by small plane and traveling between our Marathon Florida home and Loyola University, New Orleans two decades ago. (see
As a second aside, after hurricane Irma came through the Middle Keys in 2017, all roads in and out of the Keys were closed. Marathon airport and the small privately owned HOA airport in Summerland Key played phenomenal roles in getting rescue specialists in, medivac injured residents out, supplies/equipment in and damage assessments teams on the ground. Even a small strip like Wakulla can be invaluable in emergencies.
We thank you for your consideration.
Dr & Mrs Robert D Jones 326 Stirrup Key Blvd. Marathon, Fl. 33050 443-480-1023
Have you reached out to AOPA? They have a lot of expertise in this regard. Wishing you the best, hope it stays open.
Great airport. Hope it stays open.
I’m a pilot ,I live in north central Florida .I have several pieces of property in Wakulla County . I use the airport to check on my properties.
I wrote to them via the county website prior to the individual emails being posted. It gives you the option to send them a group message. I HOPE it was sent. I am from Nassau County FL and WE have a small grass strip airport that has been there since before I can remember (I’ve lived here my whole life and I am 48). I expressed my concern that OUR little air park has been a very vital part of our community for other things besides just being an air strip and certainly their must do the same. The fact that they ALSO have outside entities helping them care for it is something else they should consider. Lastly, the gentleman who gifted them the property to begin with did so in GOOD FAITH that it would REMAIN an air strip in perpetuity. Now they want to go back on that promise? Just a bad thing to do. I am praying for you all for this to REMAIN an air strip. “PROGRESS” isn’t always the best.