This past couple of weeks brought this home to me in a pretty obvious showing. Moose Creek USFS airstrip in Idaho is a backcountry gem. Recently it endured a one-two punch from a never seen before windstorm, followed by a fierce forest fire. This, however did not stop a long-planned project to rebuild a mile of stock containment fence. Volunteers showed up with work gloves on and a willing attitude to complete that project, and rebuild two outhouses that were lost to the fire, all with respect for Wilderness requirements using hand tools and “shanks ponies”. With additional help from the Stevensville, MT Airport Foundation, and Daher Kodiak, Moose Creek is the best it can be, with that needed fence and those outhouses.

That event was followed by another dedicated group that showed up at Ryan Field to complete winter preparation chores. Cleaning, firewooding, draining water systems, and cleaning and stowing outdoor furniture and machinery, simply doing what RAF friend Steve Thompson of Oklahoma says, “Just leave the place better than we found it.”

If I have personally learned anything through my involvement with aviation – and especially the RAF – is that very little happens when you try to go it alone. Those new stacks of split wood at Ryan would surely be smaller had folks not pitched in to ensure that folks who come after can enjoy that special warmth of a campfire.

Finally, what I have really come to understand is that standing next to many of you, getting my hands dirty and helping out where I can, helps me make the decisions the RAF asks of us. My dad used to say,“Don’t ever ask someone to do something that you would not do yourself.” So, I try to help stack some of that wood, carry fence rails, and even help build an outhouse. I do this because I both like being with you, and it is the RAF Way.

Thank you for a great 2024 Summer Season.

-John McKenna, RAF Chairman

Submitted October 15, 2024
Photo by Dan Soto

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