A number of you have checked in with us to see how we are doing. We appreciate that, and the short answer is we are fine. At this moment we are all healthy here at RAF HQ, and we know of no one within the RAF core group of volunteers that is dealing personally with this virus. That said, we, like everyone else, are doing all we can to stay safe and healthy.

For sure it is not “business as usual” here at the RAF but it sure seems we are a little more fortunate at the moment. Let me give you a few of the reasons.

First, our people just have it in their DNA to help out. I have spoken to a number of you and know you are doing all you can to carry the RAF mission forward. For that, I say thank you on behalf of the entire RAF. But especially at this moment there may be others in need of your time, talent and treasure. The RAF will be here when we get through all of this. In the meantime, be on the lookout for those who might really need the kind of help you all are known to be willing to extend.

Second, your financial generosity, coupled with what we hope has been good financial stewardship, will allow us to carry on with our work. The RAF is in good financial shape. I hope that is good news to you, as much as it is comforting to us.

Third, let’s continue to do all we can to build on the good work that we have been doing for the last 17 years. For now, maybe the best work that we can do is to take care of ourselves and one another. Many have said, “The RAF is simply the best group of people out there.” I could not agree more. We are family and family takes care of one another.

Finally, we will try to keep you updated as to events, airstrip status, and things that we need. As always, if you have any questions please reach out. When we were advised to work from home we said, “Okay, we can do that,” but like you, we’re getting itchy to get out there and do some flying.

Until we have the CAVU signal we will be here doing our work, helping you and others where and how we can. Once we are free of constraints, you can count on us to be back at work, together carrying on the mission to preserve, maintain, and create airstrips for recreational access.

Take care and be safe.

John McKenna, RAF Chairman

Submitted on March 31, 2020


  1. Matt Rhoades on April 1, 2020 at 5:50 pm

    Thanks John,

    I hope all are safe and sound.

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