Northeastern Washington at Sullivan Lake was the setting for a work party/fly-in this past weekend. Over 30 airplanes arrived, some by floats on the pristine lake and others landed on the turf 1765’ airstrip. (Metaline Falls, 09S.) The airstrip was already in great shape, but the recurring gopher holes needed filling in, and weeds needed whacking, and we left it in better shape than we found it. Supervising the work party was WA State Dep’t of Transportation Paul Wolfe who’s responsible for maintenance on all 16 of the Washington State DOT airports.

Campers, swimmers, hikers – male pilots and female pilots all gathered around the campfire on Saturday night to a steak dinner prepared by the RAF WA State Liaison, Bob Kay and wife Jo, along with the Washington Seaplane Pilots Greg and Mary Jo Corrado and Washington Pilots Association. Attending were special guests from the U S Forest Service, BLM and the campground hosts.
Sullivan Lake is a very special place with so much to do after you fly there. It is a great place to bring the whole family. There is a USFS campground adjacent with seasonal camp hosts, water, vault toilets and bear-proof garbage receptacles. We suggest you pack hiking shoes, swim suits, fishing poles and s’mores fixins’!
Submitted August 20, 2012.