RAF State Liaisons Brad Frederick of Michigan and Jeff Russell of Wisconsin were on site for RAF Trail #7 the weekend of June16-17 at North Fox Island (6Y3) for a combination of airstrip maintenance and island recreation.

A group of volunteers mowed the entire airstrip and cut brush and trees along both sides. Some walked the three miles of newly usable trails and trimmed branches; others cut firewood and stacked it near the fire pit. A visitor donated $40 for mower gas. A group picked up two 30-gallon trash bags full of “beach treasure” that were flown off the island for disposal.

“More work was done than expected, even though we all flew out a day earlier than planned when Sunday’s forecast was for bad weather,” Brad said. He counted 18 aircraft and 27 people for the weekend. “States represented were Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Illinois, and Minnesota,” he said, adding gratefully, “and no injuries.”
The RAF thanks everyone who flew in and served the mission to preserve and maintain this very special recreational destination.
Submitted on June 27, 2017.