Oregon RAF members and friends flew to Chukar Flats on October 20 for an impromptu Sunday breakfast. Oregon RAF Liaison Richard Mayes reports that eight aircraft flew into the challenging backcountry airstrip, located in North Central Oregon in a deep canyon along the east bank of the John Day River.
Pilots brought in loads of firewood and quickly made a campfire to counter the chilly morning weather. Huge quantities of bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, and eggs were prepared over the open fire, including Alaskan Reindeer sausage. “The chefs certainly outdid themselves with their backwoods cooking creativity and everyone was more than satisfied,” Mayes said.

Following breakfast, the participants collected trash and debris from the riverbank to fly out for proper disposal. “It’s wonderful to share the generosity, stewardship, and camaraderie of our backcountry pilot community in a location as remote and beautiful as Chukar Flats,” Mayes said.
The John Day River is dam-free for all of its 280 mile length, and is the nation’s third-longest free-flowing river. It is home to the healthiest populations of wild summer steelhead in the Columbia River basin.

Details about Chukar Flats airstrip can be found in the RAF Airfield Guide at airfield.guide.
Submitted on October 23, 2019
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