Each month we highlight an airstrip where the RAF has had involvement. We hope that you will get out and enjoy these airstrips. This month’s Featured Airstrip is Bowstring (9Y0) in Minnesota.
Enjoy autumn’s changing colors at this beautiful airfield in the heart of Chippewa National Forest. Airfield campsites feature tent pads, RAF fire rings, firewood, picnic tables, and an outhouse for your camping comfort. Bowstring Lake is just off the west end of the runway and offers additional resort amenities. Hiking, hunting and fishing are all available throughout the region. Be sure to sign in at the mailbox!
The RAF enjoys a great partnership with Bowstring thanks to the Bowstring airport commission whose members have pitched in alongside RAF volunteers to make improvements, funded in part by an RAF grant.
Recreational pilots can thank former RAF Minnesota Liaison Kurt Pennuto, current Minnesota Liaison Kirk Hiner, and the RAF for rallying support to preserve this Minnesota gem. For details on Bowstring, (9Y0) see the Airfield.Guide. For details about Bowstring’s annual fall colors fly-in slated for September 24-26, contact airport manager Ken Reichert, at 218-244-6328.
Bowstring is beautiful! Long before I got to experience Ryan Field, we would come up to Bowstring. It is long, wide and smooth. Ken does a great job maintaining the field! The campsites are off in the woods and there is a bathroom and an outhouse available. When fall comes, the colors get turned up to 11.
Make the time to visit – you will not regret it!