Each month we highlight an airstrip that the RAF has positively impacted. We hope that you will get out and enjoy these airstrips. This month’s Featured Airstrip is Miracle Mile in Wyoming. The airstrip was recently added to the RAF Airports Map.

Miracle Mile is a public use airstrip in Wyoming, located on the Miracle Mile section of the Platte River — a renowned fly fishing area. Engstrom Campground, a USFS campground, is 0.5 miles SW of the runway, with an outhouse facility.

The strip was built by the Western Power Authority to check power lines after the Little Kortes Dam was built on the Platte.  They abandoned the strip as soon as they began utilizing helicopters to check power lines. 

The RAF negotiated with the BLM to open the airfield for recreational use and then coordinated efforts with Wyoming EAA chapters to improve the runway, add tie downs, and place an RAF windsock.

Runway #1: 42.21842 / -106.86773

Contact: Lori Olson, RAF Wyoming State Liaison: lolson@theraf.org.

Submitted on September 4, 2018

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