Each month we highlight an airstrip that the RAF has positively impacted. We hope that you will get out and enjoy these airstrips. This month’s Featured Airstrip is Negrito, located in New Mexico.

Negrito Airstrip, New Mexico (0NM7) is located in the Gila National Forest approximately 20 miles southeast of Reserve NM. The airstrip is not only beautiful but also remote. The airstrip is at 8,143 feet in elevation, so watch the density altitude. The airstrip actually has a crosswind strip. The main runway is runway 17/35 and is 7,500 feet in length. The crosswind strip is 21/3 and is approximately 4,000.
Negrito is just a gorgeous place. The wildlife are incredible with elk, coyote, turkey, deer and even an occasional NM lobo wolf being spotted. Even though the airstrip is at 8,143 feet in elevation, its approaches are fairly open and unrestricted and the airstrip is normally in good condition (depending on time of year, recent moisture, etc.). The RAF and NM Pilots Association have been working together with the forest service for the last several years to maintain and improve the airstrip and activities have included the following:
- Make a parking area and install tie downs.
- The area is full of lava rocks and considerable time has been spent to remove the major rocks from the parking area and from the runway.
- There has been a camping area established and a fire ring installed.
- There is an old, but working Tetrahedron that was restored to working order and painted.
- There was a windsock on the north side of the field and a second once was put in by the RAF and NMPA on the south side.
- Every year, after the winter season and again after the summer season, volunteers roll the airstrip with a large roller, fill in holes and keep the airstrip maintained.
NM Pilots Association in conjunction with the RAF have worked hard to help ensure that Negrito remains a beautiful and well maintained destination.
Prior permission is required from Gila National Forest: (575) 388-8312
We hope to see you there soon!
Submitted on March 6, 2018