Each month we highlight an airstrip that the RAF has positively impacted. We hope that you will get out and enjoy these airstrips. This month’s Featured Airstrip is Reserve (T16), a public use airstrip in New Mexico.

New Mexico State Liaison Ron Keller represented RAF at an initial meeting in 2017 with the Catron County Manager to advocate for the airport as an important recreational access point. The airport master plan was reviewed and SS fuel and AWOS are on the plan for 2019 and 2020.
The area is mountainous and forested. San Francisco River is approximately 6 miles away. Camping is available on the airport, and a fire ring and picnic tables are on-site. Private, for fee, fishing ponds are located one-half mile from the airport. Biking is popular in this area, as is big game hunting. Village of Reserve is 6 miles east.

For the Reserve Safety Briefing, please visit this link: https://theraf.org/content/reserve-safety-briefing
Submitted on April 2, 2019.