Aug 29, 2019 5:00PM—Sep 01, 2019 10:00AM
Event Contact Al Clayton | Email
A work party will be held at Bold Airstrip (A13) in Chugach State Park, Alaska. Drive or fly-in and camp for the weekend at the Bold Airstrip campsites. Volunteers will need to transport themselves to/from Bold in their own aircraft, or by truck/four wheeler over the road.
Volunteers will work on the following:
Within the established footprint, the airstrip will be cleared of all encroaching brush with the brush to be scattered to each side without creating piles. Trees and brush trimmed back at the approach on the east end of strip extending no more than 100’ by 100’ and avoiding opening of area to invite four wheeler traffic. Grading of gravel to fill potholes and depressions and smooth airstrip. Within the established footprint, the camping area will be cleared of all encroaching brush. Possible replacement of air sock.
Thursday evening August 29, 2019 and Friday, August 30: Mobilize gear, equipment and people. Others inbound by personal aircraft. (Must call and coordinate with Al (907) 250-1649, to carpool and avoid unnecessary road traffic).
On Saturday from 8 am – 4 pm the airstrip will be closed while volunteers work on the airstrip using brush mowers, scrapers, and other equipment. (If you are inbound by air for a day trip only on Saturday, arrive no later than 7:45am so the workers and equipment on the field are not delayed.)
A grader and brush mower will be provided. Weedeaters, chainsaws, hand tools, and other implements are needed.
Direct any questions to Al Clayton, 907-276-2999 or