Mar 07, 2020 9:00AM—5:00PM
Havana Regional Airport, Illinois
Event Contact Mike Purpura | Email
We are crazy about the birds. March 7th is the day to see one of the greatest concentrations of migratory birds in North America. They fuel up for the long trip North at the Emiquon Wildlife Refuge near Havana Regional (9I0). For those arriving early, we will have a pancake breakfast and hot coffee in the pilot’s lounge. Our wildlife biologist and guide will take us to the refuge for a guided tour. We will make a quick stop at the Dickson Mound museum and see some original Audubon drawings, then lunch and back to the airport to fly out. You will learn a lot, meet some great people and get some flying time in. $50 covers transportation and meals.
For those wishing to spend the night either Friday or Saturday a lodging list and more details are available by contacting Bob Martin (Havana Port Authority) gopabob53@gmail.com or Mike Purpura (RAF Liaison) mpurpura@TheRAF.org. We will send you a .pdf file with more information and a complete lodging list. A courtesy car and volunteer transportation will be available on the field.