Jun 09, 2023 10:00AM—Jun 11, 2023 3:00PM
Murrow Field On the Divide (NM99), New Mexico
Event Contact Rol Murrow | Email

Friday, June 9, 2023, 10:00 AM until Monday, June 12, 2023, 3:00 PM Mountain Time
Murrow Field on the Divide NM99
2060 State Highway 595
Lindrith (Actually Gavilan), NM 87029
Once again folks from several states will gather in the mountains of Northern New Mexico to picnic, camp, hike, share tall tales, and weather permitting enjoy an evening campfire! The RAF’s 20th anniversary will be also be celebrated.
Many folks come just for the Saturday morning breakfast burritos, side dishes, and coffee, etc., and for a hike on the ranch afterwards. Others come to camp over one or more evenings, or to help with the setup on Friday.
The ranch features a central meadow bracketed to the North and South by Ponderosa, Pinion, and Juniper forests and rimrock cliffs, with a number of ancient sites from the time of the Gallina people. The ranch adjoins the Santa Fe National Forest to the East, where one can enjoy extended bike and hiking opportunities. The Nogales Cliff House is in the Forest 10 miles down Forest Road 313, followed by a nice hike up a canyon wall to the site.
Feel free to view a nice video of a prior fly-in at https://vimeo.com/130270972
Send an email with your name and phone number to rol.murrow@wolf-aviation.org asking to be put on the list and I will email you registration information before long. (If you don’t get a reply, try again!)
Registration is not Required
Each pilot and driver must receive a briefing and register via email for this event for each plane or vehicle, and include all guests. If the capacity is reached folks will be put on a wait list. Camping trailers and RVs are welcome, although they will be boondocking. There are only a couple of hookups. More complete information will be provided in the briefing materials.