New Hampshire State Liaison
John grew up in New York and had the Navy take him away; eventually depositing him in Massachusetts. John’s father-in-law flew, and in the late 80s, John got bitten by the flying bug as well.
Eventually a SuperCub on floats became his pride and joy. It became a convertible with Bushwheels, skis and floats. He credits his association with for coast-to-coast friendships and finding a cadre of local
New England pilots, in search of the backcountry adventure.
John and His wife Jennifer split their work week between Massachusetts and New Hampshire. They have a home and airstrip in Wentworth, NH, affectionately known as the “WAD.” It is home to the Columbus Weekend Fly In and Fly Out.
John has one son and three grandchildren along with a 1956 SuperCub and a 1953 Cessna 180.