Each year, RAF volunteers help out at Bob and Judy Gillette’s beautiful Lakewood Lodge, Wisconsin, in appreciation for Gillettes welcoming the public to use their airfield, 14WS. RAF Director Jeff Russell reports that this year’s weather for the May 19-21 weekend work party was perfect, and over a dozen volunteers tackled all the projects Judy had listed. “We must have done an okay job as she gave us an A+ on our report card,” Russell said.
A small group rebuilt four picnic tables with new wood, while some cleaned up broken red and white pine limbs near the camping area, trimmed them and hauled the brush away. Some installed the swim platform and the dock in front of the home. A grape arbor had fallen down over the winter and another group made quick work of that repair.

A large tree on the back driveway was felled, cut, split, and stacked. Crushed rock was spread on a road washout leading to the property, and some repaired a rock wall leading to the Gillette’s lower level. “We even got assistance from RAF supporter Mike Poznansky’s inlaws from Norway. It was truly an international effort,” Russell said, adding, “Judy fed us great food all weekend and Jerry Wilke made excellent brisket for Saturday dinner.”

Lakewood airfield features camping, canoeing, cycling, swimming, and fishing – accessible from its 2,400-ft turf runway. It lies at 1,355 feet on the edge of Wisconsin’s Northern Highland geologic region. Gilettes kindly request that you contact them at 715-865-2902 prior to landing, and leave a message if no one answers. For more information, see the Airfield Guide.
“It was a great time and Judy even teared up a bit when thanking us. I think they very much appreciated our help,” Russell concluded.
Submitted May 31, 2023
Photos courtesy of Judy Gillette and Jeff Russell
Great work and great folks all-around!
You are only a stranger at Lakewood Lodge 14WS but once. There are no strangers, only friends we haven’t met yet.
Excellent job, everyone!! Glad to hear you got the list checked off. Cheers to another great year at Lakewood Lodge.