The New Mexico Pilot Association held its third annual Negrito Fly-In Oct. 5-7, 2012. This year’s event marked the first year that NMP partnered with the Arizona Pilots Association to host the event.

The Negrito Airstrip (0NM7) is situated at 8,100 feet in southwestern New Mexico’s remote and beautiful Gila National Forest. Most mornings we were serenaded by bugling elk and howling coyotes. The fall colors were in full bloom on the ridges surrounding the airstrip. Located approximately 20 miles east of Reserve, New Mexico, 0NM7 is serene and infrequently visited. Comprised of a 7,500-foot m m m ain strip and a 4,000-foot crosswind strip, Negrito is on forest service land and is in tremendous shape — such good shape that a Bonanza and Cardinal were able to easily land and take off from the strip.
During the course of the three days, 26 aircraft and approximately 40 people attended. We feasted on chili brats, blueberry pancakes and steaks. On Saturday morning, a group of us flew over to the newly opened Double Circle Ranch (0AZ8) in Arizona to join its opening celebration. Aircraft also visited other Forest Service strips located in the GNF. Later that evening we gathered around the campfire to tell hangar stories and listen to Clayton Stansel and his band play their version of country western music.
Good company, beautiful surroundings and great flying experiences marked another successful fly-in weekend. We hope that those of you who couldn’t make it this year can make it to next year’s event.
Submitted on October 11, 2012.