Each month we highlight an airstrip with hopes that you will get out and enjoy these special places. This month, we’re featuring Manitowish Waters, Wisconsin.
This airport promises an “Exceptional Airport Experience,” and they readily fulfill that claim. It’s an ideal place to begin exploring the Northwoods of Wisconsin. In addition to its 3,500-ft paved runway, it has a 3,300-ft turf runway, where camping is allowed in the grassy area adjacent to the ramp. The attractive terminal building nearby has restroom facilities which remain open 24/7. “We’d like to establish D25 as a ‘hub’ for flying adventures to many backcountry strips in Wisconsin, Upper Michigan, and nearby Minnesota,” Airport Committee member, RAF Supporter and pilot Jerry Wilke says. “Strips like Gillette’s, Hanley, and Cornucopia… as well as grass strips with nearby restaurants like Land O’ Lakes and Three Lakes.”

“D25 is also a great location for before or after AirVenture in Oshkosh,” he added.
A snazzy courtesy SUV is available for use by pilots and their guests. Bicycles and a golf cart are also available in the terminal. Enjoy the five-minute ride downtown and select from many shopping and dining choices.
The airport has 24-hour 100LL and is also home to sightseeing tours and air charter operators. This airport even has a live webcam so you can see for yourself current conditions and the lay of the land. Here’s the link.
The town welcomes visitors to two annual events, its Wheels, Wings, and Watercraft show; and what they call the “Flying Hamburger Social Fly-in”. For information on these and other events, see the Manitowish Waters Visitor Bureau newsletter at: https://manitowishwaters.org/e-newsletter/

Find more information, and post your own comments on Manitowish Waters in the Airfield Guide.
Submitted September 30, 2024
By Carmine Mowbray