RAF Maine Liaison Steve Mason has reported on a successful improvement project at Norridgewock, Maine, KOWK. The municipal airport has multiple asphalt runways and a parallel turf airstrip. Mason learned that the town would not maintain the turf airfield, so he obtained an RAF grant to reclaim and enhance safety at the strip.
“The grass runway is used frequently by GA pilots, and serves the Central Maine flying community,” Mason said. The project took two days to complete which consisted of grading, after which the strip was reseeded and rolled.
The RAF grant provided equipment usage and fuel, and seven volunteers provided labor, including volunteers from Maine Fish and Wildlife, and Morgan Aviation.
Airports are an important part of the nations transportation system, not just a particular city, therefore nationwide use and support to all pilots and taxpayers.
The availability, control, and responsibility should be with a nationwide agency. Can anyone explain why the use; the advantage when teaching; and the safety of turf runways are all ignored.
Great news