The RAF got a dynamic duo with the addition of Jack and Patricia Tyler, who originally encountered the RAF in Florida in 2012. Finding the RAF to be a great way to fulfill their sense of adventure and purpose, Jack served as Florida Liaison, then the couple moved to Bozeman, Montana and now Jack serves as RAF vice president.
In addition to helping Jack make RAF presentations, Patricia became one of the RAF’s first “Vice Presidents of Appreciation”. She set a very high standard, having hand written 2,350 thank-you notes to RAF supporters for the past six years. “Patricia’s warmth and sincere gratitude shone through in her notes, and her beautiful handwriting is enviable,” RAF Volunteer Coordinator Erin White said.
Along with our other VP’s of Appreciation, Patricia also served as a judge for the annual RAF photo contest.
Patricia is laying down her skilled and artistic pen, but she will stay active by supporting the RAF mission in other ways.
“We know our members will miss receiving mail from Patricia, but we look forward to hearing about all of her great adventures,” RAF Administrative Director Tricia McKenna said.
Submitted on October 29, 2019
Thank you Pat for all your good work on behalf of aviation. We miss you guys down here in Florida.
George Chase
We miss seeing you two as well. Thank you for the nice note, George. Hi to Joyce.
Thank you Patricia. It sounds as if you will still remain active with Hubby Jack. Cheers, Jeff Iorio