The RAF and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) have signed an agreement allowing the RAF to manage recreational aviation use of the Red Pine airfield, located within TNC’s St John River Forest in northern Maine. RAF volunteers have worked to return the airstrip to a safe condition for backcountry use.

Red Pine, a remote 2,470-ft paved airfield lies along the St. John – or Wolastoq River – just a dozen miles from Quebec. It was originally built by the International Paper Company as a facility for forest management. The Nature Conservancy has owned the St. John River Forest since 1998, and manages the property to conserve biodiversity, provide wildlife habitat, and produce forest products. Most of the surrounding forest in the region is privately owned and continues to be managed for timber harvest.

In response to wide regional interest in reopening Red Pine, in September of 2009 John Nadeau of Massachusetts – the RAF’s first volunteer east of the Mississippi – initiated dialog with The Nature Conservancy’s Maine Field office. He requested consideration of restoration and maintenance of the airfield by volunteers, writing, “This airstrip is a wonderful resource for access to the area for forest management and fire suppression in addition to recreational flying.” RAF Maine Liaisons Andy Rowe and Steve Mason, and RAF supporter John Sowles re-ignited discussions with The Nature Conservancy, which have resulted in the agreement. In part, it states:

“Licensee (the RAF) has expertise in developing and maintaining airstrips and has adequate funding to improve and maintain the existing Airstrip and additional supporting appurtenances . . .”

“We’re excited that twelve years later, we have an agreement with The Nature Conservancy that will allow us to restore the Red Pine airstrip and allow recreational aviation use,” says Rowe.

“This success with The Nature Conservancy is an example of RAF’s role in building relationships for recreational aviation use on private lands,” Mason said, who pointed out that most of the recreational airfields in the East are privately owned.

This is the second formal agreement the RAF has with TNC. In 2014, the two organizations cooperated to build a new airfield above the King’s River in the Ozarks of Arkansas called Trigger Gap.

The North Maine Woods organization manages public access and maintains recreational facilities throughout the northern part of the state. “Steve and I intend to work closely with North Maine Woods,” Rowe said. “They are responsible for management of the campsite at the south end of the strip.” The License Agreement states that the RAF is responsible for the airfield and aircraft parking area at the northern end. Pilots and all visitors to Red Pine will be obligated to pay day-use and camping recreational fees to North Maine Woods.

Rowe claims good muskie fishing in the St. John River, colorful fall foliage, and access to good hunting from Red Pine. “Flying in saves hours of driving on logging roads,” he added. He thanks Bill Sylvester and Lisa Reese of the Maine Aeronautics Association and her husband, Steve Williams of the Seaplane Pilots Association, “who have been very helpful for over a decade,” he said. In addition to its value for recreational access to the upper St John River within the vast north Maine woods, maintenance of the airstrip by RAF will also support its availability for emergency services.

For information on Red Pine, see the Airfield Guide.

Submitted on June 30, 2022


  1. Tom Hale on July 1, 2022 at 6:37 am

    Thank you all for the long process of finally getting this open.

    Will there be a flying guide to Red Pine published?

    • ewhite on July 1, 2022 at 3:08 pm

      Hi Tom!

      Thanks for nice words. A listing for Red Pine can be found on the Airfield Guide website. There is a hyperlink for that listing at the bottom of this article. Let me know if I can be of further help!

      Erin White, RAF Volunteer Coordinator

  2. SKB on July 1, 2022 at 6:43 am

    This is terrific

  3. General Grant on July 1, 2022 at 7:03 am

    Red Pine is definitely on my list! There is no way I can pass up a couple camp days in Maine and some Muskie fishing.

  4. John Zanchi on July 1, 2022 at 10:01 am

    Congratulations to the RAF team.
    A very long effort by so many dedicated supporters of the RAF to finally achieve access to Red Pine.
    To all involved, starting with John Nadeau and finally culminating with this agreement, a job well done!
    Thank you for your persistence and dedication.

  5. Chris Thomas on July 1, 2022 at 3:07 pm

    Another success, well done to the RAF team

  6. Zak Hitt on July 1, 2022 at 4:49 pm

    A job well done and many thanks! Looking forward stopping in for a remote getaway.

  7. Philip Hartmann on July 1, 2022 at 7:10 pm

    Steve and Lisa help get the job done again..

  8. Frank Richards on February 22, 2025 at 10:57 am

    I am from Maine and have been to this site 4 times. I was thrilled to learn that RAF and the Nature Conservancy have re-opened this airport. The last time I was there would have been in about 2020. I didn’t think the runway would have been safe to land on. Let me encourage anyone interested to fly in there and check it out. It is a great area and there are other great wilderness sites not too far from the landing strip.

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