RAF Alaska Liaison Al Clayton and Press Liaison Carmine Mowbray hosted the RAF booth at the 19th annual Alaska Aviation Gathering at Ted Stevens Airport, (ANC) in Anchorage April 30-May 1. The event maxed out at 275 exhibitors, including cutting-edge bush aircraft and rare vintage models. Folks from as far away as Florida milled about the huge Fed Ex hangar and outdoor static displays all weekend.

“The RAF can be credited with growth in that segment of General Aviation,” said Jeremy Ainsworth, former Alaska pilot. Other visitors expressed their appreciation for RAF success in keeping backcountry destinations open in the “lower forty-eight.”
Al gathered suggestions for upcoming fly-in locations and work parties.
“I am glad I heard the talk about the RAF at the trade show this past weekend. It encouraged me to join up,” said Alaska pilot and Lake Hood Pilots Assoc. president Scott Christy. “I think I would be able to muster some pilot/ workers for a project,” he added.
Many Alaska pilots asked to be added to the RAF roster, and some opened their wallets to help fund RAF work. They recognize the importance of credible, collaborative advocacy demonstrated by the RAF these past dozen years. “Visitors were enthusiastic to meet Al as their RAF Liaison,” Carmine said. “I think they realize that the RAF mission is very relevant in Alaska.”
Submitted on May 2, 2016.