To celebrate the addition of another premier recreational flying destination, the RAF held a Grand Opening July 7 at Two Hearted airstrip, in Michigan’s Lake Superior State Forest.

“Two Hearted is a spectacular end-of-the-road destination,” RAF chairman John McKenna said, as the ceremonial ribbon was about to be cut. “A must-visit for the adventurous and competent backcountry pilot. It will not disappoint,” he added.
Fifteen GA aircraft flew in, three dozen or more folks enjoyed exploring the airstrip and its surroundings, including nearby Lake Superior Forest State Campgound and Rainbow Lodge. RAF Michigan Liaison Brad Frederick served hot dogs and folks enjoyed picnicking in the light breeze off Lake Superior.

“Come for the day or camp a night or two, overlooking Lake Superior, the largest body of fresh water in North America,” Frederick says. Cell service is not reliable, “after all it’s in the ‘boonies’ of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, the Land of Hiawatha and Gitche Gumee.”
Submitted on July 17, 2018