A crisp morning greeted RAF New Mexico Liaison Ron Keller January 23 as he arrived at the State Capitol in Santa Fe for Aviation Day 2019. The annual event is hosted by the Aerospace States Association in conjunction with the New Mexico Airport Managers Association to showcase aerospace and aviation technology and these industries’ contributions to the state’s economy. A row of tables are set up for aviation-related displays along the hallways leading to the Capitol Rotunda.

Ron was joined by RAF Director Emeritus Rol Murrow to staff the RAF display. They spoke to pilots, prospective pilots, legislators, and staffers about the RAF mission and handed out newsletters and brochures while a catchy RAF video played.
“One new legislator is an aerospace attorney and pilot. She spoke at length to us about recreational aviation and the potential that New Mexico has to expand the aviation opportunities,” Ron said. “She also assured us that our new Governor supports aviation,” he added.
“Once again, Aviation Day was a rewarding and fun way to represent the RAF,” Ron said.
Submitted on January 24, 2019