The RAF has granted funds to help cover the cost for improvements at Fort Kent Municipal Airfield in Maine. Camping area additions will include two picnic tables and a picnic area shelter just off the west side of the runway next to the trailhead to Fish River Falls.
Fort Kent Municipal Airfield is adjacent to Maine’s Fish River, and George Dumond of the Fish River Flying Club has spearheaded this round of improvements to the 2,154-ft airfield.
“It has blossomed into a beautiful asset for recreational aviators in northern Maine,” RAF Liaison Andy Rowe said, promising, ”muskie downstream and brookies upstream of the falls, and a beautiful smooth grass strip with plenty of camping and friendly local folks.”
Back in 2010, RAF Liaisons Steve Mason and Rowe obtained an RAF grant to help the Club maintain the field. “This is a Phoenix of an airport,” RAF New Hampshire Liaison John Meade said. “Steve and Andy helped reverse the demise of this airport,” he added. Dumond added his own note of appreciation, saying, “Thanks Andy for everything you continue to do to promote us and other airfields in the state!”
The Club will continue mowing the airfield and the area next to the shelter so visitors may fly in and park and camp next to the shelter.
The RAF appreciates this opportunity to cooperate with the Fish River Flying Club, George Dumond, Tommy Voisine and all the friendly folks in the St. John River Valley.
See the Airfield Guide for more information about Fort Kent Municipal Airport.
I have flown in there twice, great place and well maintained.
Spent a wonderful evening there this past summer. Wonderful airport manager!!