When you create and commit to preserving airfields, you quickly learn that grass grows, weeds encroach, and RAF volunteers must work hard keeping ahead of it all. One of our RAF friends has stepped up to help, and has set a new high for support. Peter Burwell is not only an avid airplane and helicopter pilot, enthusiastic about the RAF mission (he has served as an RAF director), he’s also brilliant at locating suitable and capable grounds equipment to benefit the RAF mission.
Burwell is as skilled at managing enterprises as he is managing the controls on a Caravan. Among his other business responsibilities, he is CEO of C&B Operations, a successful network of 37 John Deere dealerships throughout the Midwest, stretching as far as Montana and Idaho. “We believe in the mission of the RAF,” Burwell says. “Keeping airstrips maintained is pertinent to safety and appearance, and we are proud to donate some green equipment to support the mission.”
Beginning with the John Deere multi-purpose tractor he provided for Ryan
Field, Burwell also provided a new tractor at Wisconsin’s Cornucopia Airfield. Now he is
helping RAF Director Jeff Russell locate and obtain a perfect used tractor for North Fox

Thanks to Burwell’s efforts and generosity, RAF volunteers at these airfields can get a
lot more work done by the time they sit together around a campfire, admiring one
of Burwell’s pretty green John Deere tractors.
VERY generous. it’s encouraging to se someone in the younger generation “paying it forward”. Hat’s off to Peter!
Bravo Peter, thank you.
As a RAF volunteer on North Fox Island since the RAF got it reopened in 2014 . I have personally experienced tremendous support from RAFs Brad Frederick, Michigan State Liaison, (now Ambassador) Jeff Russell, Wisconsin State Liaison and most recently General Grant, Michigan’s new State Liaison. I have heard thru the grapevine that a bigger better mower is on its way with delivery expected in the spring. It sounds like a great improvement and should cut the time to mow the 15 acres of grass on the runway from 12 hours for one person almost in half. I would like to thank Peter in advance for his generous donation and all the RAF people involved in making it happen. The RAF is truly a great organization to be involved with.