Chicken Strip in Death Valley National Park’s Saline Valley is back in operation again, thanks to RAF volunteers. The July rains had rutted the airstrip. As a safety precaution, the Park Service closed it until maintenance could be performed to bring the surface back to a safe condition. Joseph Dier, Pat Fagan and Joseph Bork answered California Liaison Rick Lach’s work call and drove in Friday evening to begin working at 8 a.m. Saturday, Oct 15th. The men raked and shoveled dirt from high spots back into the low spots created by the runoff. Rick ran a drag to level the strip from side to side and along its length. As usual, Camp Host “Lizard” Lee was very helpful and supportive. The “X”s were removed and left with him for storage. The next time you’re enjoying the springs, be sure to thank Lee.
Submitted on October 18, 2016.