Maybe it was the promise of Ande LaRoche’s barbecued brats and dutch-oven vegetables, but whatever it was brought out a crew of pilots and friends this weekend to get Ryan Field (2MT1) into shape for another season of flying. Director Chuck Jarecki outlined and prioritized the tasks, and folks brought their complementary skills.

Volunteers began showing up Friday, and began working in spite of the drenching rain. Crews filled low spots on the 2,500’ long runway and removed brush encroaching on the field. Crews cleared property lines and felled dead timber, bucking it up for firewood.
Saturday’s campfire chat ended about dusk, because everyone was exhausted from a long day of work. They all showed up again wearing their work gloves and smiles on Sunday morning.

Several flew in – one from as far as Pennsylvania – and camped beneath their wings, enjoying the use of the pilot shelter and wood cookstove. Some folks chose to drive – one from Jackson, WY – and the motorhomes and campers parked snugly along the timber’s edge.
As always, pilots are required to obtain a safety briefing and acknowledgement prior to flying to Ryan Field.
A special thank you to Ande LaRoche of Marion, MT for Saturday night’s brats and dutch-oven vegetables for 30 hungry helpers.
Submitted June 4, 2013.