This month’s Featured Item is our pink ponytail cap. This pink and tan C.C cap is perfect for on-the-go ladies! It comes in one size and has adjustable velcro on the back. The pink front of the cap has the RAF logo in tan. It has a mesh back that features a criss-cross design that allows for both high and low ponytails, and the distressed fabric gives it an already worn feel.
To order the Featured Item, click here.
Please allow two weeks for delivery.
If you have questions, please contact Tricia: or 406-570-5398.
Thank you for your support of the RAF Outfitter! All of the proceeds from your purchase of these locally sourced items go towards supporting our mission. You can support the RAF mission all year by shopping at the RAF Outfitter online store. Products are being added regularly and items are thoughtfully selected for durability and suitability for pilots, by pilots.
We welcome photos of supporters using RAF gear! Please send your images to, and let us know if we have permission to post them on social media or our website.