The RAF is pleased to report that once North Fox Island airstrip was re-opened, RAF Michigan Liaison Brad Frederick got to work on another beautiful recreational destination, this time along the Two-Hearted River in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Work has begun on reclaiming the airstrip, but it is not yet open to the public. Brad staked out the airstrip and your donations earmarked for this project have funded excavating equipment and crew, and seeding grass on the strip.

“The Two Hearted Airstrip cannot be used until it has been inspected by the State Aeronautics Department and the required airport license has been granted. At that time, we
can announce that it’s officially open,” Brad said. The RAF hopes this will happen late in 2017 or late Spring 2018. “It will depend on how the grass comes in and that’s up to Mother Nature,” he added.
Submitted on June 13, 2017.