Volunteers gathered at California’s Lone Pine Death Valley Airport, O26 September 14-15 to paint the airport’s terminal building. RAF California Liaison Katerina Barilov and RAF Nevada Ambassador Mike Bradford joined folks from Friends of Lone Pine Airport (FLPA), the non-profit group of local volunteers who recognize the airport’s historic past, and its importance to the community. In 2022, an RAF grant was used to help upgrade the facilities by restoring the public restrooms with running water and flush toilets. That work was completed as part of a greater rejuvenation effort by FLPA.

Anna Montgomery of FLPA reported that in May of this year, the group tackled restoring the airport terminal building. “Volunteers began the much needed job of scraping, sanding, patching and caulking. Over one hundred man hours were put into building prep, followed by a coat of primer,” she said. Pocked and cloudy window glass was replaced. She said the September 14-15 weekend “brought an energetic crew both days,” who applied two coats of light grey paint to the building, trimmed with dark grey. Two new exterior doors will be installed, and, ”We are excited about a custom metal sign for the roof, incorporating the Mount Whitney skyline in its design,” Montgomery said. “Following the completion of the exterior, we will move on to restoring the pilot’s lounge,” she added. 

Lone Pine has a long and significant aviation history. The main terminal building was originally the residence and home of Bob and Shirley White’s aviation business for over 40 years.  Bob was a legendary southern Sierras backcountry pilot. It remains a good staging airport to explore the Sierras, and Death Valley region. More information can be found at friendsoflonepineairport.org and on instagram at friendsoflonepineairport. 

Submitted September 30, 2024
By Carmine Mowbray


  1. Brandon on October 1, 2024 at 10:22 am

    It looks like Lone Pine Airport isn’t in the RAF Airfield Guide

    • Kodi on October 1, 2024 at 10:48 am

      Hey Brandon, that’s right, it’s not. Our team is working on getting the listing added!

  2. JW Feiler on October 11, 2024 at 9:43 am

    This is awesome and putting it on my bucket list iof places to go. Once again it great to see the RAF step up and throwing in when a job needs done! A big Thank you to all the volunteers that made this happen!

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