Unlike cookies, whiskey or wine, you are not limited to “just one” when it comes to membership in aviation organizations. If you are one of our 10,000 Recreational Aviation Foundation members, we value your support, but suggest you don’t stop there. Please consider supporting your local or state pilot group and type club. The RAF has been fueled and guided by aviation organizations across the country that are hugely supportive of the RAF mission and aviation in general. The RAF feels strongly that we are much stronger together.
State pilot organizations have local knowledge, and care about aviation in their regions. Our RAF State Liaisons reach out to these groups and offer partnership and resources through the RAF Grant program and sources of volunteer help, accomplishing much more by teaming up. So please join or renew your membership with your local pilot association today!
We are also proud of our great relationship with AOPA and EAA, and encourage you to support these worthwhile organizations. Each has its own vital mission, and all serve to promote the interests of General Aviation.
There is only so much time in the day and so much money in your wallet, so why not spend it with people with like interests and a passion for aviation? We may all fly something different but if we work together, we are sure to enjoy a collective tailwind.
Submitted on January 26, 2021
Nice photo. Anyone know what airport is shown?
Hi Walter, thanks for the note! The airport shown is 8U2 – Schaefer Meadows. – Erin White, RAF Volunteer Coordinator