Purpose? An abiding intention to achieve a meaningful personal goal, and make a positive mark on the world. A sense of purpose often is other-focused, something that improves the lives of others, something bigger than yourself.

A number of years ago I was discussing the time and talent that so many folks were freely contributing to the RAF with then-director Tim Clifford. Tim suggested that the RAF was providing purpose for people, a reason to feel good about what they were doing, and having fun all the while they were giving back. He went onto say, “those folks were looking for just that right thing to do when they encountered the RAF.”

Recently, Trish decided that a good way for us to stay connected with our volunteers was to do a couple of week shift at Ryan Field as the camp host/caretaker. To walk in their shoes, so to speak. You know, greet folks who fly in, help them get settled and feel welcome, cut a little grass, scrub a shower, and clean a bathroom or two – just some of the things that so many of our folks willingly do all the time to make the RAF the special thing it has become.

What strikes me is when you find your passion, you feel a sense of meaning. And when you connect that with other like-minded folks who want to make an impact, it is then we know why we exist. I don’t know about you, but when I have that sense of purpose, and I am around others who do, I feel we can accomplish most anything.
I hope – like my friend Tim Clifford suggested – that the RAF has given you a sense of purpose. If we have done that, then I believe we have been mutually fortunate and we’ll continue to enjoy success. We all simply seem happier when we have purpose.

– John McKenna, RAF Chairman

Submitted June 14, 2024

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