The “Miracle Mile” section of the Platte River lies between Pathfinder and Seminole Reservoirs, and is known as a premier fly-fishing destination in Wyoming. There’s an airstrip there, and RAF Wyoming Liaison Lori Olson organized a work party in cooperation with the Cheyenne and Casper EAA Chapters to restore the original grass strip to a surface that’s safe for aircraft access.

Twenty-five volunteers gathered over the Memorial Day weekend to help. Most of the volunteers drove to the event in order to bring the needed equipment and supplies.
EAA members from Chapters 342 and 420 “turned out in full force with big equipment, mowers, and loaders,” Lori said. “The real work was our manual labor walking the 2,600-ft runway and pulling out yucca, cactus, and hazardous clumps of vegetation. We also flattened ant hills,” she added, all in compliance with work guidelines the BLM had established. The group installed an RAF windsock, requiring a welder. Luckily, a volunteer welding teacher showed up at the event!
The group managed to get some recreating in, proving that the trout are big in the Platte River. Lori expects this to become an annual event. “Since the runway is in great shape, more people should be able to fly in,” she said. “So next time we do it, it will be more of a camp, fly, and fish, than work weekend!”

Colorado Liaison Patrick Romano flew in to help, and after surveying the results said, “Last time I was here, it was hard to tell the runway from the landscape. Great work Lori! Amazing! Now I have another place to take my kayak!”
Submitted on June 6, 2018