RAF Wyoming Liaisons Lori Olson and Chris McAtee report on another successful spring work party at the Miracle Mile airstrip. RAF volunteers were joined by those from Casper and Cheyenne EAA Chapters and put in some solid work the weekend of April 27-28. This airstrip is located on the Miracle Mile section of the Platte River, known for great fishing. A US Forest Service campground with outhouse is a half mile southwest of the strip. The RAF negotiated with the BLM to open this abandoned airfield for public recreational use, and Wyoming EAA chapters have cooperated with the RAF on efforts to maintain it.

In spite of the poor weather forecast, fifteen folks braved muddy roads in their fifth-wheels, pickups, and vans to show up and help.
“We weathered strong winds, cold fronts, rain, and a few hours of calm to complete the work to get Miracle Mile ready for the summer flying season,” Lori said. “We got a lot done in a short amount of time and next year we should be able to enjoy a fun fly-in with minimal work on the strip,” she added.
Submitted on April 29, 2019