Director Emeritus

Alan’s business acumen and impressive experience on professional boards qualified him for a RAF board position. But he demonstrated his sleeves-rolled-up dedication to its mission when he flew from his home in Pennsylvania to Ryan Field for a work party.
Raised in Pennsylvania, Alan began flying for his diversified forest products business in 1994. His Cessna 185 provided the opportunity to share his passion with his family – wife Jill and their three sons, now in their 20s. Alan also owns a Scout. The planes are utilized for business or to reach his favorite recreational places, including their cabin in the Missouri Breaks.
“When the RAF fought successfully to preserve the six strips in the Missouri Breaks Monument, that really got my attention,” Alan said.
Alan chairs Pennsylvania’s Forest Products Assoc., serves on the Kish Bank board and the Mifflin County Airport (KRVL ) Authority board. His forest products management has given him the opportunity to work with land managers from various state agencies. Alan appreciates the work the RAF has done to create positive relationships, saying, “The RAF has a successful working relationship with decision-makers in DC, the states, the BLM and Forest Service. I was impressed with the method that the RAF uses to accomplish their mission.”
RAF President John McKenna adds, “When I met Alan, I knew right away that he loves to share his passion for flying into the backcountry, and is willing to work hard to preserve the privilege.”
“The RAF has brought the pilot community together to work on common goals,” Alan said