RAF Chairman John McKenna, Vice President Jack Tyler, New York State Liaison Russ Holland, Idaho State Liaison Mike Hart, longtime RAF volunteer Dr. Paul Collins and Idaho RAF member Larry Taylor attended a full day conference on federal public lands management practices March 28 at Boise State University. The sold-out session was open to “the various voices in support and dissent” over practices to manage, protect, and preserve public lands. There were panel discussions “focusing on the confluence of conservation and recreation”.
Former Idaho Governor and former Interior Secretary Cecil Andrus opened the meeting. Speakers included Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, Attorney General Lawrence Wasden and Montana Governor Steve Bullock. Three Idaho County Commissioners discussed local perspectives on public lands.
A reception followed the all-day meeting, giving the RAF representatives an opportunity to meet and talk with other stakeholders, like the Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Outfitters and Guide Association, The Wilderness Society, Advocates for the West, and more.
“This was a huge learning experience for me as an RAF State Liaison and opened my eyes to the issues surrounding public lands”, according to RAF State Liaison Russ Holland.
Pictured left to right: Larry Taylor, John McKenna, Former Idaho Governor and Secretary of Interior Cecil Andrus, Governor Steve Bullock of MT, Mike Hart, Russ Holland and Jack Tyler. Not pictured Dr. Paul Collins.
Submitted On March 30, 2017.