Volunteers from Utah Back Country Pilots, (UBCP) recently made the effort to fly in to Ibex-Tule Valley Hardpan dry lake bed after learning that visitors had left a mess. The area is popular for primitive camping and is accessible by car. The volunteer pilots spent two days refurbishing the area, and removed two old vehicle tires and six pounds of nails from burned pallets.
The field is on BLM land, and their action resulted in a BLM Facebook post expressing appreciation. The acknowledgment also appeared in the February 26 online Gephardt Daily News. Headlined, “Utah Citizen stewardship in action!”, the BLM message continues, “Recently, members of the Utah Back Country Pilots performed clean up and maintenance work at the Tule Valley Hardpan site. We are eternally grateful to those who practice #LeaveNoTrace principles so everyone can enjoy their #publiclands!”
Wendy Lessig, RAF Utah Liaison and UBCP Board member said, “Many thanks to the stewardship by these Utah pilot volunteers, and all who chip in to maintain and preserve our treasured backcountry airstrips. Every bit helps!” The UBCP mission includes a strong emphasis on Leave No Trace ethics and they organize volunteer work parties throughout Utah’s backcountry airstrips.
Ibex is located just west of Sevier Dry Lake and is one of the three backcountry airstrips included in the State’s “FLY UTAH Passport Program”. UBCP customarily holds a fly-in late April. For more information on IBEX and a safety briefing, see UBCP’s website here.

Submitted March 11, 2025.
By Carmine Mowbray