The RAF crew came through again and was on-site by 7:30am to start cleaning our booth after Thursday’s horrendous storms that came through Sun N’ Fun. The Lakeland, FL newspaper, The Ledger, reports that four tornados battered Lakeland during the storm. After seeing all the damage we are all thankful no one was injured. Our Husky (N40WY) that was so graciously loaned to us by Aviat Aircraft was put back on display. If you have seen the video of N40WY’s solo adventure on Thursday you can understand why we are glad no one got injured. The tail feathers of N40WY were damaged and the insurance adjusters have done their inspections. The Aviat Husky booth suffered severe damage and were probably hit harder than anyone at the show.

We are looking forward to another busy day Saturday and hope to sign up many new supporters. The RAF Maryland State Liaison, Craig McCullough, and RAF Supporter Carl Hicks, Jr. need to leave on Saturday and their help will be greatly missed.
Submitted on April 2, 2011.