Since the RAF signed an MOU with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, RAF Texas Liaison Tres Clinton reports they have had numerous in-person and online meetings, and the department supports airstrips on Parklands. So far, work has been completed at Del Norte airstrip, in the Devils River State Natural Area.
“The main focus now is West Texas,” Clinton said. “We have been working with Asa Vermeulen, Devils River State Natural Area Complex Superintendent, and Adam Jarrett, West Texas State Parks Regional Director, who have direct control over the specific target areas,” Clinton said.

Former Texas State Representative John Cyrier has been instrumental in advocating for recreational airstrips on Park lands, and he and Clinton flew out to Del Norte to check out the recent work. This neglected strip became unlandable last spring due to trees and cactus growth. “Asa Vermeulen gets the credit for all of the work to turn this into a useable 1,600-ft strip,” Clinton said. “Our purpose was to check out the work accomplished, the condition of the strip, decide parking and camping areas, to deliver a windsock and frame, and mostly to say ‘thank you’ for all of their hard work,” he said. A few trees will be cleared for the parking area, and Vermeulen is looking into natural or seeded ground cover options to retain its status as a Natural area. “Currently they do not allow fires but we are negotiating this as well, Clinton added.
“Our immediate goals with Del Norte are to finish clearing the camping areas, finalize rules, get the windsock up, update information with the FAA and Foreflight, and list in the Airfield Guide, and get a state-funded composting toilet, and plan a grand opening,” Clinton said.
The other airstrip within the Devil’s River Natural Area is Dan Allen Hughes with a hike to river access. Dan Allen is about 3,800 feet and paved. “The two strips are about an hour and-a-half drive, and literally a six minute Cub flight from each other.” Clinton said. “Del Norte is more scenic with some amazing overlooks.” Dan Allen is undergoing about $15 million in Parks improvements, including a common area with showers and restrooms walking distance from the airstrip. Clinton is exploring specific improvements and delivered a windsock and frame. “I’m excited about the progress.” Clinton said. “The future looks good.”
Submitted on February 10, 2023.
Great article, how can I get involved and visit theses sites?
Thank you,
Great work!
Any progress on Lake Whitney?
I volunteer to help with Devis River . 817-271-0594