Sunrise Valley Ranch, an 11,000 acre working cattle ranch east of Prineville, OR hosts a backcountry airstrip, developed with RAF assistance. The 2,100 ft x 60 ft dirt airstrip sits in a small valley at 4,400 ft elevation, surrounded on three sides by 6,400 ft mountains. The airstrip can be challenging on hot, windy days. Review of the safety briefing, and due consideration of pilot and aircraft capabilities, is essential before use.

Visitors to the ranch are welcome to camp adjacent to the airstrip, stay in the ranch’s rustic lodge, or just stop in for a delicious family style meal. Local pilots have already made this a favorite destination for weekend breakfast and the dining area is often crowded, so be sure to call ahead. Activities available at the ranch include hiking, horseback riding, and mountain biking, or simply enjoying the peaceful environment.
Sunrise Valley Ranch Airstrip received an FAA identifier (29OR) in November, 2017.
RAF Oregon Liaison Richard Mayes worked hard with the owners to make this happen, originally identifying the potential airstrip location and runway alignment, for safe approaches, aircraft parking area and access. He advised the Fildes family of the Oregon RUS and the RAF’s “Guide for the Private Airstrip Owner,” and they cooperated to make an airstrip on their privately-owned working ranch open for public use.
Earthwork and drainage were planned and constructed by local pilot volunteers; Richard advised on end and boundary markings, parking and windsock placement, completed the FAA documents for charting, and prepared the pilot’s safety briefing.
Telephone: 541-477-3711.
email: sunrisevalleyranch@hotmail.com
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sunrise-Valley-Ranch-187822117996190/
Submitted on November 2, 2018