“A collection of first class, fascinating and all around wonderful people,” wrote Patty Bunce in her thank you note following this year’s annual RAF face to face board meeting at HQ in Bozeman. Patty is the spouse of RAF Director Pete Bunce, and she was referring to the time and effort involved in creating a meeting environment that was stimulating, inspiring, and welcoming to spouses.
Patty’s words are about the best an organization could hope for. Most organizations spend a good deal of time trying to find the right people to kindle and execute its mission. The RAF is so fortunate to have just those people. Patty is pretty darn qualified in my mind to make this assessment. She has seen some of the best that aviation has to offer. She has stood side by side with Pete – who also serves as President of General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) – and the challenges he faces as he navigates some of aviation’s thornier issues that affect us all.

The RAF is under the watchful eye of people who have that steady hand that keeps us focused on the RAF mission of preserving, improving and creating airstrips for recreational access. Our board, and those who previously served so capably, have put the RAF on solid financial ground for today and many tomorrows. They make sure that we stay the course, and follow through on tasks.
I personally feel so fortunate to be both surrounded by, and supported by the kind of leaders she describes. People who volunteer their time, talent and treasure so that the special places we all enjoy will endure. These are folks who really do live up to Patty’s summation.
– John McKenna, RAF Chairman
Submitted on February 9, 2024