Owyhee, 28U is an 1,840-ft dirt airstrip along the west side of the Owyhee Reservoir in Eastern Oregon, where the crappie and bass fishing is said to be “pretty darn good” according to RAF Oregon Liaison Bill Ables. (You’ll need an Oregon angling license.) “The airstrip boasts the Owyhee Hilton cabin for folks to overnight in, but if you skip setting up your tent in favor of using the cabin, be prepared for some four-legged varmints,” he added, advising visitors to use their tent unless it is an emergency.
Owyhee is a good example of cooperation between aviation groups. The recreational appeal of the airstrip, and its proximity to Idaho attracts the interest of both Oregon and Idaho volunteers. The strip received a day of maintenance by Idaho Aviation Association and Willowa County Pilots Association volunteers and RAF supporters, coordinated by Aaron Hassamere, IAA Activities VP. He reported that the turnout was great on a sunny April 29th. Nineteen folks relocated the outhouse, removed rocks from the runway surface; some installed a new windsock, cleared brush and gave the “Owyhee Hilton” a bit of TLC.
Hassamere reports that there are numerous goathead plants – also called puncturevine – in the area. The mat-forming plant produces sharp spines that can injure humans and animals, as well as puncture bicycle tires. Eradication of these noxious weeds is on the list of projects to tackle in the future.
The State of Oregon owns the strip and advises contacting 502-378-4880 prior to use. The airport is surrounded by high terrain and is subject to high temperatures in the summer. The dirt road into the airstrip is called “Deadman Gulch Road” which a cautious person might consider when planning a visit.
Here is more info about 28U in the Airfield Guide.
Submitted on May 15, 2023.
Refreshing to see the Idaho Aviation Association also mentioned on your website.