The Meadow Creek airstrip (0S1) work party in late July had 19 folks show up, including Paul Johns and Vicki Pauli from Australia. We installed two bear boxes, mowed the runway and parking area. A big thank you to Paul for what Australians call “whippersnipping” the parking area and the runway cones.
Both windsocks were replaced, and we cleaned up both the existing bear box and the R.T. Adkins outhouse.
Thanks to Ry Keller, president of Kalispell’s EAA Chapter 102 for providing an ample lunch of steaks, salads, baked goods and chips. Mike Lindemer of Lindey’s Steak House in Seeley Lake barbecued the steaks to order.
Thanks also to Montana Aeronautics administrator Tim Conway, his wife Karen and MDT deputy director Pat Wise for helping out, with Pat taking several laps on the entire runway with the lawnmower.
– Scott Newpower, RAF Montana Liaison

Submitted on August 2, 2019