The RAF joined forces with the Green River Chapter of the Washington Pilots Association and WSDOT Aviation to hold a Work Party and Chili Feed on May 9th to clean up and open Ranger Creek State Airport (21W). This is an annual event the chapter holds at its adopted airport to prepare it for the summer flying season. This year was a resounding success as a record number of 64 volunteers participated in the activities, many of them wearing their RAF hats. It needs noting we had a wonderful turn out from local Boy Scout Troop 401 and some parents to help with the work, they contributed greatly and was good to see the youth involvement. Another record was set with the 25 aircraft flying in to the event. The weather especially cooperated with clear blue skies, light wind, and a very agreeable temperature.
Paul Wolf, the State Airport Manager, brought his trailer with all the tools, safety equipment, and did a great job of supervising the work. The runway was checked and cleaned, new wind socks installed, visitor welcome sign board repainted, runway warning signs checked, lots of Scotch Broom and saplings pulled around the runway and safety areas. Another big activity of the day and looked forward to was the consuming of the large pot of Ranger Creek Chili and buttermilk corn bread muffins, supplied by G. R. Chapter and RAF member Al Banholzer and his wife.

The bottom line is that Ranger Creek is open and ready for use. The runway is located in a beautiful area in the foothills of Mt Rainier alongside a Forest Service camping area with many nice campsites and walking trails. Please take advantage of it and enjoy your flight into another great recreational airport in Washington.
The airport has a very long and interesting history going back to President Roosevelt’s CCC time frame and including WWII and Korean activities. Now operated under permit from the Forest Service, the RAF and G. R. Chapter takes great pride in helping the State maintain and preserve this historical landmark.
Submitted on May 18, 2015.
I just found this place a couple days ago. I am interested in learning more about its history as I looked at the building foundations. Please point me to information I can research.
Thank you!
Hi Dawn- I am the WA State Liaison and participated several times with our members in the Ranger Creek work parties- but I am a rookie on its long term history. I would refer you to the Green River Chapter of the WA. Pilots Association (WPA) for the background and airport history. Contact G.R. Pres. Rashell Rosenkranz here – – and I’m sure he can help you on its history. Thank you for your inquiry and interest. dave
Sorry that email address didnt show- here it is
Denningrashell@gmail.com ;