Located in the Ochoco National Forest in Central Oregon, the Rager Ranger Station has a 2,800-ft gravel airstrip and scenic camping area. When the ranger station’s administrative functions were relocated to Prineville, OR in 2013, the airstrip, constructed in the 1930s, had become hazardous due to encroaching brush, surface damage caused by wildlife and livestock, and the disappearance of the windsock. A collaboration was agreed whereby the RAF would provide a windsock, picnic table and fire ring, and volunteers would maintain the airstrip and camping area, while the Forest Service would manage noxious weeds and livestock incursions.

This year, the USFS made significant improvements by bringing heavy equipment to grade and profile the gravel surface of the airstrip. “These improvements have increased the safety of the airstrip, making it suitable for use by a wider variety of aircraft and pilot capabilities,” Oregon Liaison Richard Mayes said, adding, “We want to thank the Paulina District Ranger, Scott McFarland for leading this effort and for strengthening the ongoing collaboration between the USFS and the RAF.” Oregon Liaison Bill Ables added, “On behalf of the RAF and all aviators who use this airstrip, a big THANK YOU. What you and your folks did moved the safety bar up many notches for both administrative and recreational use. Thanks again Scott for your forethought in the upgrading of the Rager airstrip.”

For more information on Rager USFS Airstrip see the Airfield Guide.

Submitted September 16, 2024
By Carmine Mowbray


  1. Jeff D on September 17, 2024 at 7:28 pm

    I began my USFS career on the Ochoco NF back in the last century. Very cool to see the airstrip surviving with RAF help.

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