Joseph Kall (Bozeman) stack firewood at Meadow Creek. Volunteers from the RAF
and MPA held a work party June 15 at the USFS airstrip.
RAF Montana Liaison Scott Newpower reports that in spite of occasional rain, nine volunteers from the RAF and Montana Pilots Association flew in from as far away as Washington State, Columbus, Billings and Kremlin, Montana on Saturday, June 15 to work on Meadow Creek USFS airstrip. The turf 2,800-ft airstrip lies along the South Fork of the Flathead River adjacent to the Bob Marshall Wilderness.

A work party at the USFS airstrip commenced June 15.
The entire runway and parking areas were mowed. Many downed trees from the 2015 forest fire were cut up and stacked for firewood. Both windsocks were replaced. Dozens of new pine trees that had sprouted after the fire were removed from the runway environment. An old fire damaged picnic table was cut up and burned.

RAF Director Emeritus Jerry Cain from Lincoln loaded his friend Dick Duricka from Spokane in Jerry’s Husky, and along with RAF Supporter Bob Thorne from Seeley Lake, they flew in a meal of pulled pork for the workers. The two planes were able to make it back home before the rain started, Newpower said.

Due to its proximity to the river and trails system, please be respectful of other backcountry users seeking a Wilderness experience.
For more information on Meadow Creek, see the Airfield Guide.
Submitted on June 21, 2024
By Carmine Mowbray
A great weekend with great people! Thank you Scott Newpower.