Each month we will be highlighting an airstrip that the RAF has had an impact on. We hope that you will get out and enjoy these airstrips. This month’s Featured Airstrip is Ryan Field (2MT1).

Ryan Field (2MT1), a private airstrip co-owned by the RAF and Ben and Butchie Ryan, is located one mile southeast of West Glacier, MT, and is depicted on the Great Falls Sectional Chart. It is open to pilots with the requirement that each pilot request and receive a current safety briefing on an annual basis. The request can be made electronically by clicking “Ryan Field Safety Briefing Request” on the “Pilot Info” menu of our website, or by clicking here. You will receive by return email a current safety briefing for Ryan Field valid only for the pilot making the request. The RAF needs to have electronic record of who requested and received the briefing. This briefing is valid only for the year issued as field conditions may change from year to year.
Submitted On May 4, 2017.