Maine RAF Liaison Andy Rowe reports that the tree removal project has begun on Cowboy’s Air Ranch (84ME), closing it for the time being. An RAF grant is being used to extend the 2,100-foot long turf airfield an additional 1,300-1,500 feet and equipment is now on site. This airfield is privately owned, and permission is required prior to landing. For updates, call Andy Rowe at 207-837-9155.
Update by Owner: Addition to the airfield has begun in early September, 2020. It has been slow going with the company that was contracted to perform the clearing. They have fell the trees, harvested the salvageable wood, and they will begin to move the brush to designated areas along the sides of the runway extension starting next week (10/26/2020).
Work on clearing stumps and surface material (To be done by owner), will begin as soon as possible following the brush removal and continue as long as daylight, weather and freezing weather permits. I will resume leveling and planting operations in the spring. It is not certain if the airfield will be open for ski operations this winter , as ground may not be level enough due to equipment crossing existing runway. Please call ahead of time either Andy Rowe (207) 837-9155 or myself at (207) 538-7583, or
We are hoping for a ceremonial “Fly In” in the late summer, or early fall of 2021. I wish to thank the RAF for all the help, in getting this project extension underway so all who wish to enjoy this unique airfield may do so. This could not be completed in a timely manner without the help of the RAF, the Volunteers, and donations from everyone involved with the RAF. Please consider joining the RAF to help continue projects like this one to preserve our heritage and future, for ourselves and future generations to enjoy.
Andy Rowe has devoted many hours to this project, and routinely keeps everyone appraised to the ever changing process. Officers, Liaison’s, Volunteers, and Members all do a great job. Thanks to all!
Ken “Cowboy” Winiarski