Near 100 mph winds struck Moose Creek Airfield (1U1) in Idaho on July 24, 2024, snapping off mature pine trees at mid-level and crushing two buildings at the historic Ranger Station. The campground located on the ‘triangle’ between the two runways was buried in waist-deep debris from downed trees and limbs. The Forest Service responded quickly, and within a day fire crews armed with chainsaws flew in on a Twin Otter and limbed up the downed trees and bucked the logs into rounds. Repairs on the two buildings started a day later. Now came time for the clean-up.

The RAF volunteered to help, and the Forest Service was quick to accept. RAF requested use of a Kodiak from partner Daher in Sandpoint, ID, which was quickly approved and plans were made to transport a seven-person Montana Conservation Corp (partner of AmeriCorps) crew from Missoula to Moose Creek. The MCC crew arrived on August 13 and will spend 8 days at Moose Creek moving log rounds and piling up debris for future burn piles to make the pilot campground usable again.

We can’t thank Daher-Kodiak enough for their support that allows us to do this noble work on behalf of backcountry pilots. The Kodiak is perfect for the mission of getting crews into backcountry airstrips.

For those of you who would like to stay apprised of conditions at Moose Creek – go to the RAF Airfield Guide and read the “Comments” section of the Moose Creek (1U1) page for latest status. As of now, both runways are open and in good condition, and water is available at the Ranger Station. One outhouse in the campground was damaged but still okay for use.

Submitted August 14, 2024


  1. Julie Boatman on August 15, 2024 at 8:32 pm

    Love these collaborative efforts… and we look forward to picking up where everyone has left off in October!

  2. CJ Costanti on August 21, 2024 at 12:50 pm

    Unbeknownst to us, my son and I were (I think) the first plane in after Val and Tucker were flown out the morning after the storm. We had turned around the night before after fueling in Pullman, WA due to the storms in the area. Beautiful morning on the way in until I saw a good number of stumps and branches all over the place on our fly over recon. “Why did they cut all those trees down?!” Boy was I wrong! If you’ve seen the photos and reports on social media I won’t bore you. But absolute eerie destruction, and not a soul around except for the very curious and anxious mules and horses. Runways were fine. So glad Val and Tucker made it out ok all things considered; as we approached the cabins and house I had prepared myself for the worst.

    Hats off the the RAF, Forest Service, Daher, MCC and everyone involved in the clean up and recovery. Please keep the call out to all RAF members and pilots in the PacNW and we’ll get Moose back to its amazing status as one of THE gems in the backcountry.

    Lynden, WA
    Cessna 170B

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