While the weather around Hew Hampshire’s Wentworth AeroDrome (NH96) threw a few curve balls and cut short some folks’ weekend plans, attendees got in some flying circling all of New England. Forty-eight airplanes were on the ground Friday night, October 7. It was the largest gathering yet for the Wentworth AeroDrome or “WAD” Fly-in/Fly-out. RAF President Alan Metzler and “first lady” Jill attended in their beautiful Scout.
Kicking it off Thursday, a group landed at August Field (NK17) for lunch at Island Bob’s beautiful airstrip in the middle of the Hudson River just south of Glenn Falls, NY.

Each day the group flew out to several destinations and converged on a lunch spot. Friday was a flight through New Hampshire into Vermont with lunch at Basin Harbor Airport on Lake Champlain. On Saturday, pilots flew into Maine and along its coast with lunch at Spurwink Field on Cape Elizabeth. All were able to taste a New England staple known as “Lobstah” Roll.

With the many choices of destinations, some chose short field work and a few river bars for challenging fun.
Saturday night featured a Surf and Turf feast. Alaska pilot George Campbell flew in fresh Alaskan salmon and shrimp, and local steak created an unbelievable meal for all.
Both RAF New Hampshire State Liaison John Meade and President Metzler spoke to the group about the nationwide role of the RAF; and its mission to preserve and open new airfields was discussed as well. Meade clearly stated that the RAF was there to ensure recreational airfields such as Wentworth AeroDrome remain a destination for pilots. The sign “The RAF supports This Airstrip” was noted and explained.
Even though Mother Nature provided a challenge, WAD 2017 was a success!
Submitted on October 17, 2017.